An API for the Systembolaget product line

This is the web API for accessing Systembolaget's product line. You can use it to retrieve JSON encoded data about the products in Systembolaget's product line, and the API allows you to filter your request in various ways.


Retrieving all products

URL: /search/products/all

If you don't give any GET parameters, the above URL will give you a JSON with all products.

min_priceA number, e.g. 50 or 50.5
max_priceA number, e.g. 50 or 50.5
min_alcoholA number between 0 and 100
max_alcoholA number between 0 and 100

URL: /search/products/all?min_alcohol=50&max_price=270&name=Guinness&max_alcohol=60

Response (example):

  "name": "Bols Gold Strike",
  "price": 239.00,
  "volume": 500,
  "alcohol": 50.00,
  "nr": 74502,
  "product_group": "Likör"
  "name": "Chartreuse Grön",
  "price": 269.00,
  "volume": 350,
  "alcohol": 55.00,
  "nr": 60602,
  "product_group": "Likör"

Status codes

In the current version of this API (1.0), the only implemented staus code is 200 OK. In future versions, we'll add more status codes to match what it going on at the server side, e.g. "404 Not found" if the server can't find data matching the parameters, 400 Bad request if the server can't understand the parameters. This will also, in the future, be accompanied with a JSON containing a more detailed error message.

Future improvements (Not yet implemented):

HTTP headers

Error responses

Here are some examples of error responses from the API.

No data found

In the current version, bad parameters or missing data both result in a JSON result of an empty array:


Bad request (e.g. missing id parameter)

In the current version, bad parameters or missing data both result in a JSON result of an empty array:
